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Minister Marsudi to Fajon: "You walk the talk"

SLOVENIA, June 26 - "I am very pleased to receive the Foreign Minister of Indonesia today. This is a quick return visit, after last year I was the first Slovenian Foreign Minister to visit Indonesia in 17 years. This proves that Slovenia and Indonesia have significantly strengthened bilateral relations. In addition, we look forward to the visit of an Indonesian business delegation to Slovenia. I believe there is untapped potential in the Port of Koper and in the areas of agricultural products, especially halal products from the Slovenian food processing industry, and in the digital field. I also conveyed to my colleague Marsudi Slovenia's decision to open a consulate in Jakarta, headed by an Honorary Consul, which will certainly help strengthen our ties," said Minister Fajon.

The ministers devoted an important part of their discussion to the current situation in the world, with a focus on the Middle East. "My colleague Marsudi and I have worked together extensively, including when Slovenia was taking the important decision to recognise Palestine. Slovenia has demonstrated that there are no double standards for us, which means that the same principles of international law apply both in Gaza and Ukraine," said Ms Fajon. Concerning this topic, Indonesian Minister Marsudi added "Slovenia has shown strong support in defending justice for Palestine. You have shown strong leadership. You have chosen to be on the right side of history. The aim of my visit here today is - among other things - to pay tribute to the government and people of Slovenia for taking the right decision to recognise Palestine earlier this month and for consistently supporting the two-state solution. You have shown that you walk the talk”.

Minister Fajon commended her colleague Marsudi for her engagement in Afghanistan. The two ministers also spoke about the extremely difficult situation in Myanmar, regarding which Slovenia, as a non-permanent member of the Security Council, has already intervened.

"Slovenia and Indonesia are like-minded partners in many areas, advocating effective multilateralism. In this context, we had the opportunity – also as the first female foreign ministers of our countries – to talk about women, peace and security. In fact, Slovenia is committed, also as a non-permanent member of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC), to the full and effective participation of women at all levels of decision-making as this is key to ensuring resilient, peaceful and inclusive societies. Indonesia can play an important role in this regard, as it can contribute to the empowerment of women in decision-making processes with its extraordinary political clout," added Minister Fajon.

On the EU-ASEAN relations, Ms Fajon stressed that although there are "certain bumps in the road", she believes that these must and can be overcome. This is especially important given the awareness that the EU can play a significant role where geopolitical tensions and rivalries are at their highest. "I remain committed to elevating and strengthening EU-ASEAN relations and have expressed my support for endeavours to conclude negotiations on an EU-Indonesia Comprehensive Economic Agreement (CETA) later this year," explained Minister Fajon.

In her talks with Minister Marsudi, Minister Fajon supported Indonesia's ambition to become a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), expressing the willingness to share Slovenia's experience in joining the organisation.

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